Friday, November 30, 2012

I’ve started a couple of blogs that I didn’t follow through with in the past because I just Facebook. I realize now that it’s a good way to track progress for my own benefit as well as to help others. One blog I had started & sort of dropped was called “Crazy Healthy Cool.” I thought it was kind of catchy, at the same time I want to decrease stigma by using words like my “illness” or “challenges” rather than saying my “crazies” or “issues.” There are a lot of changes happening right now & NATUROPATH PLAN - There are ala lot of changes happening right now. I had tried tapering off of my meds last year but I know that my brain wasn’t ready. (I may make the disclaimer a lot that tapering off of meds is what I know is right for me & I may refer to “progress” as progress to using natural methods instead of psychotropic drugs. I am not saying that is the path for everyone; just for me.) I stopped taking an anti-depressant a few months ago that I had been on for eight years so I have made a lot of progress in that respect. This week I had my first visit with a naturopath who came highly recommended. I plan on seeing her on a continuous basis which is great because I have tried to find supplements, oils & eating plans to work on my own. Some things have worked at times; at the same time I knew I would need a professional who could test me for food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, oils, etc & make give me a plan. Next month is when I will start tapering off my mood stabilizer. I know this will be easier because they come in tablets 1/8th the dosage that I’m on now that are also easily splittable, (if that’s even a word!), I am also in the middle of doing another intensive outpatient behavioral. At the recommendation of the same friend who referred me to the naturopath I’m also on day one of the “FlyLady” principles.